Last full day of vacation, and it’s been a good one. THe whol trip has been wonderful..
Today is a play in four acts: Zadar by night, Zadar by Day. Tesla’s home town and Zagreb.
I beg everyones indulgence as I am goign to post far too many pictures.. I use this blog as a way of archiving and finding pictures.. so this putting them here is the best way I have of hanging on to them.
OK.. Starting with Zadar by Night. …
I blogged early last night when we got into the airbnb just south of downtown Zadar.. we went out and checked out that beutiful city again.. this time by night .
The walk in to town was beutiful..
we then took the kids down to the boardwalk to hear the sea organ.. folks were walkign down to see the sunset.
we got to the organ.. but no sound this time !. Last week it was soudnign fine.
We later learned it had been taken apart for cleaning as it must be every 3 years or so..
the greeting the sun piece was flickering.. but was still hard to figure out in the daylight .. we came back later
we then cruzed around lookign for soemthign to eat.
we found a quiet place in the old city.. we ordered oneof our favotrite coration dishes.. ‘black risotto’.. colored with cuttlefish ink.. =
made for a messy table cloth too !
then we wandered aroudn soem more.. there’s a worldwide choir competition going.. and we happened across a spontaneous sing by a group of girls. beutiful and etherial
then back to the greeting the sun peice to see what it was really about
a sign told us that alfred hitcock had once visited here.. and praised their sunset as the prettiest hed ever seen.
we had to get more ice cream !
on the way home we foudn a trash bin that had burned up while we were at dinner. How strange is that ?
act 2: Zadar by Day
diane and i woke pretty early to get a run in.. took a few pictures of our great airbnb
the roof garden
the courtyard
the view of the sea
towards town
then off to breakfast — what better than more freid squid ?!
then we got back in the car and drove to act Three: Tesla’s birthplace !
i was so excited to go visit the birthplace of niola tesla, one of my true heros .. He was born in 1856 in the town of Smilja near the Croation city of Gospic
and there it was ! This is the town that Tesla was born in.. Hs dad was a Serbian Orthodox Priest.. and his mother was a skilled craftswoman.
pointers to places in Tesla’s life
his barn
a ton of school kids (though most of the time .. we had the place to ourselves)
there was a mock up of Texsla’s Colorado Springs lab..
inside were a few cool demos.. including an oldschool spark gap tesla coil .. not very powrful.. but liot up soem florescent tubes well which the school kids really loved.
we then walked over to watch a truly bizzare movie abotu tesla’s lie.. 90% of it was abotu his psycological issues.
we then looked at a bunch of archived papers. THe exhibit was very well done !
ustairs there were even more demos
the egg of columbus !
another tesla coil.. It’s spark gaps clearly neededcelaning. I offeed to do it.. but they said they would try it.
a bladeless turbine
outside , we hit the play ground..
we left smilian and drove to Zagreb for Act Four
here’s the key to our wonderful airbnb here.
and here’s a paiiting of rosa the cow
this is a wonderful place.. just off the main square i zagreb
we walked around town this evening ..
museum of broken relationships ?
we decided to do one museum.. and we chose ‘the museum of illusion.
we then walked back down town toe eat.t. ehre was this crazy moon.. looked like one of the street lights
the moon was amazing !
there was a (band playing outside…
now back at our place with about 5 hours to sleep before leaving for the plane..
time to go home !
nite all, nite sam