sunday night – almst home

Sitting at the airport after 23 hours of travel.. waiting for our bags. . Our flight from paris was delayed more than 6 hours… instad of having 6 hours to sit around in Newark.. we had to run for our flights.. and made it by jsut a minute.  TSA was incredibly slow and soemthing in gabe’s bag set off the explosive detector.. Oy !

Crazy end to a really great trip.. a very good mix of adventure, relaxing and new places, people and things.  I’ve been out of the country for 4 weeks today (save  a 20 hour trip home to pick up diane) . I’m glad to be back in Vermont.

I don’t have any pictures of my own to share for the day of travel.. but I did get soem of Max’s fun pics from the trip.. I’ll share them now..


ok.. got our bags.. lets go home

nite all, nite sam


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