tuesday evening – Start wearing purple

on my way to europe for work.. had a great chanvce meeting on the way. I was waiting in the security line and noticed one of my most favorite music heros in the same line. eugene Hutz.. front man for gogol bordello..   I had one of those shy .. do-i-go-up-and-tak-to-him moments..   I decided to go for it.. and glad i did. he is such an awseome kind, interesting and totally accessible guy. we hung out for a whiel over coffee/beer in btv then again in newark. turns out he’s really in to environmental art and strange homem like yours truly ade musical instruments. who knew. he tuurned me on to a festival called musicbox thats in NoLa this year. He’s goign to be the conductor/curator.it  He’s doing soemthingto commemorate the 100th anniversary of dada,  I gotta find a way to check that out

here’s my favorite song ! Start wearign purple..hope you enjoy !

ok. gotta get on a plane


nite all, nite sam


Monday night – longest day

hot !> 91 degrees at 8:30 on the longest day of the year. Strangly satisfying day.   Accidentally stumble on to a rally downtown for alzhiemers research.. nice to see that

main event today was a talk i did with freinds scott and john on IoT for about 35 folks at Conoits Auditorium downtown. we were there to promote an idea we’ have for makign a free LoRa IoT network for the city of burlington.. LoRa would nebale free long range low power. low badwidth iot connections to anyone withing the city of burlignton.. it woud be great for citizen science, civc automation, art and mischief..

are you in ?

nite all, nite sm


sunday night – fathers day

Woke today surrounded by sleeping hippies.. Gabe and I had camped at thezneith burn. It was abotu 5;30 in the morning. …


the venue was pretty trashed .. as were soem of the venue-ees


the next real awake grownup u saw was at 8:30.. and that was Gabe. He’d smuglled in a pink fisk (akak Lox) breakfast for me for fatehrs day. I love that kid




i headed home aroudn 9:30;


walked into my house.. and soaked  the whole fathers day expereince. 


thinking of my dad..hugh..


nd my father in law gabe.. missing them both very much..




wrapped up the day with dinner with gabe ..



Talked to family.. thought of my dad, my father in law… my kids.. . and my own expereince as being a dad..

i like this dad stuff..

happy fathers day to all of you dads out there..

note all. nite sam


Sunday night – zenith pics


As prmised.. here are soem pictures of last nights ZenithBurn. Gret thanks to Kim and CHirs for hosting all those freaks !

freind Dave drones surveys the site


Homers sawdust cannon shows up


ngoneanyone ?

\moonrise !




hoe you enjoyed those

nite all, note sam
