Wednesday night – 35 years !

Hard to beleve but 35 years ago today I put on my tweed jacket and tied my skinny tied and got into my ’71 VW microbis (‘maggie’.. still have her key in my backpack) and drove to IBM for the very first time. I was 22 years old and fresh out of college . it was the only job interview I’d ever really had..

It’s been a long strange trip for sure..15 bosses, 8 offices, 1 telephoen number,  74 coutnries, about  a million miles of air travel and a zillion really good freinds..

its been hard, but its been fun. ,, thanks to all of you out there that have made this such an interestign ride so far !


nite all, nite sam



tuesday night – big steps

Two cool things today.. The work started on our front steps.. Diane sent me pictures afger Todd jackhammered the old steps off the front door. We’re replacing them with new stone… how many times i walked those steps and that sidewalk… memories




its goign to look very cool !



another big step !> My boss stopped our quarterly leadershi meetign to do a very nice recognition that I will be hitting 35 years with IBM tomorrow. She read a very nice letter rom her and her bos. really mae my day !

35 years.. wow !


more on that tomorrow !

nite all, nite sam


Monday night – 28 hours

Took me 28 hours to get to london .. when it useally only takes about 9.. it’s super late here and I gotta sleep.. just wanted to check in and say.. ‘im here’ .

big meeting tomorrow.. wish me luck !

nite all, nite sam



ps. funnyish story.. the guy who checked me in to this hotels name was sam.. after he checked me in  i said  inneed to give you soemthing.. he sytarted to protest..because he thoguth i was goign to give him a tip.. he was pretty surprised when I pulled out a sams stone with his name on it..

he really liked it…. bt is that to wierd a thing to do ?


pss. Guilty admission.. i got here aroudn midnight and was starving.. I ate half an untouched pizza from uneaten roomservice across the hall. does that make me  a bad person ?