Great, slow day back home. so need the down time. My old freind henry is here with his daughter Gigi and her BF Matt who is just starting as a freshman at UVM. . Herny and I were good freinds during my last year at MIT in 1980-81.. he was part of the swarm of freinds we had in Bexeley Hall…. its so cool to hang up with him now 35 years later.. We spent the day walking in the woods and hanging out.. talking about old times and old friends.
The other thing we talked about is Articifical Intelligence.. Henry’s dad.. Marvin Minsky.. was one of the founders of the AI movement .. He was well known for that when I was at MIT>. and his reuptation grew until his death earlier this year.. I remember visiting their house in Brookline .. they had a swing in their lifving room .. and an old WWII bomb..
Henry works at Nest.. part of Google, and is also very much into must be genetic. we spent a couple of hours talking about modeling schma for robotics.. it was so cool talkign to him about that becase i spent a good part of last week talkign to colleagies in Zurich about the same thing. It’s so much fun to talk to someone so passiononate about a topic that I love too. We were talkign about how an AI system like a robot would learn about the world.. such cool stuff…
We all took a great walk around libbys lookout.. .. it was starting to look like it was almost heading towards fall !
ok.. i have soem coding to do.. more tomorrow
nite all. nite sam