Wednesday night – that kind of day

It’s been that kind of day.. 17 hours i’ve been sitting on this couch.. well. I did take 30 minutes to go for a run with the dogs.. but except for that.. it was like flying to new zealand. but at least they feed you on the plane.. 🙂  Speaking of feeding.. didn’t do that too well either. I ate a tortilla for breakfast.. then .. afer eating it.. saw the back of the package..

ewwwwwwwww !

Never felt like eating again all day 🙂

nite all. nite sam



Tuesday night – Reha

Quick down and back to ny for a couple of very good meetings. Had the good fortune to be able to meet with my good buddy Reha Who was also in town for a class. He is from istanbul.. But now lives in niarobi.. So catching him and his boss for a coiple of hours was a real treat. Hes a great nerd freind !


 Were taking off.. More later

Night all, night sam


Sunday night – home alone

Remeber that 1990’s movie with Macaulay Culkin where is folks left him in his own home unsupervised ? Well.. thats me… tongiht Diane is down in Endoctt for a couple of days and I’m here dog sitting. it’s funny to be here by myself.. i never think of being ‘by myself’ when I’m traveling.. because I love being alone while traveling . I usually  need it given the large number of people I usually meet up with while I’m on the road.. Now I’m sitting here in this huge house by myself.. missing diane.

good perspective!



nite all nite sam
