I’m workign too hard.. been spendign about 16 hours a day at the computer and not getting much exercise or sleep. My love diane intervened twoce today to get us outsie in the beutiful fall colors. I had exactly one hour free today and as soon as i hung up from my call diane the dogs and i were headign up honey hoolow for a fast walk in the woods
then at 6:15 she grabbed me and we ran/walked up libbys lookout.. it was already getting dark.. but still beutiful
we got to the top just as it was getting dark
we walked/ran back in the dark.. pretty cool and spooky
now goign to try to sleep.. wish me luck
nite all. nite sam
PLEASE take care of your health John!!
Without it you can’t take care of those you love, nor can you enjoy your work!
I know you know this already, but this is just a loving reminder because I have painful experience in this area as you know.
Paul Kruse