Monday night – Hollow-een

Greetings Ya’ll from Oslo.. Today is halloween.. and it’s the least Halloweenish Halloween I’ve had since….. hm… maybe 1979. No trick or treating.. no peanut butter cups.. no kids.. but.. it’s been fun anyway..   It’s so nice having Diane here ..   Today, The Weather has turned to grey drizzle.. which is sort of what we expected.. but we’re greatful for three beutifull fall days here. We have really enjoyed seeing this beautiful city ! It’s now back to work. I have a big talk tomorrow morning (wish me luck) and soem media stuff tomorrow. ..

here’s a quick rundown of the day

we went for a nice run along the river this morning.. then moved out of our wonderful aribnb..and moved to teh business hotel in Fontebu .

our hotel had a nice set of jackalanterns to greet us.

we dropped our stuff and caught a buss back to the  viking museum


there were three pretty well preserved viking boats from around 900 BCE that had been iused for burials.

they’d been unearthed between 1856 and the early 1900’s 


here’s how it looked whenitwasunearthed


imagne30rowers,no seats in the open ovean.. yuck !


here’s the least preserved boat undergoign3D canning

somesmaller boats found nearby


and the best preserved boat..


they had a cool demo of making iron from rust deposits and making it into a broad axe .. pretty cool !


from there we walked over to the very interesting.. if soemwhat depressing Fram museum.. It was all about artic explorres and the hardships they faced.


we saw englsh explores,canaian explores.. and of course.. norwegian explorers.. We heard stories of sail boats ice breakers, sled dogs, dirgibls and planes.. all very well displayed ..


here’s a small ice breaker used in the quest for a north west passage


it’s generator


and its chocloate milk!



there was a lot of wall space.. and movie space given to the story of Sir Earnest Shackelton.. and his and his means ordeal of 2 years stcuk in antartica and surrounding islands. Shakleton died at age 47 without ever achiving his maing goals.  We found this picuttre of his grave on St. george island.. Tehre are soem cool SamStone stories from there . See it here




we lalso earned ofFranklinsill fated trip


we then wentover and saw the “Fram’ a wooden icebraker that helped find a northwest passage to alaska


here were the sleds they used

4 cylander 200 horesposer enging.. let it go about 6 knots


here’s an image of their famous cook !


the doctors stuff .. ewwwwww


fun on bord


big anchor winch !


creepy eskimo !


the Fram’s Prop/


by the time to leave the museum, it was raining pretty har.. We took the bis to the shopping center near our hotel and had a late lunch/early dinner.. really. really nice sush1 !


then soem window shopping for halloween costums


finally a wet walk back to the hotel.. very differnt landscape here than others we saw in the city .


just got backform talk rehersal.s.. hopign to find food.. Resturauntswaslaredy close.. thankgoodness we picked this up fom the store because of the creepy kid picture..

oh.. just looked it up. it’s liverwirst.. ick !


ok.. big talk tomorrow. so better sleep. more tomorrow !

nite all. nite sam


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