Sunday night – quiet day

Not much to report today. Diane and Sho went to a workshop all day.. I stayed here and worked..It started  off cold and rainy.. and I didn’t notice it had gotten nice until about 4 .. Got out for a run with the dgos which was really nice.

It ‘s funny that it Took my all day to get through the last week of emaill.. That was both satisfying and a little .. i dunno…  a little frustrating.  It seems wrong that it takes an whoel day out of my week to catch up on the email i receive in a week.. Any suggestions out there on how to get around that ?

hmmm.. thats all to report.. I htin. Diane, Sho and I are gonna go cook soemthing for dinner..


more tomorrow

-nite all, nite sam


Saturday night – Techjam !

Cold an rainey.. and thankful for that.. Diane Sho and I hung out all day.. first stop was Techjam. .. a celebration of vermont geekiness !   This year it was at the champlain valley fairground.. .. a much  bigger venue !


lots of cool stuff inside..


rbotos !


friends like fritz !


3d models of historic buildings

friends lars and murat


killer robots



and my freind Tim’s wonderful girlfreind Mary !



who told me that Vermont is still the most innovative state (per capita) of all the states in the union !


My freind Cathy runs techjam.. and she’d made this great poster out of some of the lyrics from mty

old engineering paradise video !

I’m so proud of cathy and the rest of the tech jam folks for building this event up to this point over the last couple of years. THere’s so much cool technology happening in the state… it’s so exciting !



freom there nice lunch with Gabe an Raya.. then a trip down to shelburne to see deb and familuy at the shop


for dinner.. we went to Tim and Jens for dinner. Just liek old times !



just walked outside and saw it was snowing..


winter is coming !

nite all, nite sam



Friday night – Island of time

Fun evening after long day. Our good friend Sho is up from NYC which is always fun.. He is s much fun to talk to.. He’s got so many stories and expereinces to share.. and he really understands humans …   One of the things we were talking about was keeping the Sabbath.. Observant Jews … like Sho.. (I think) .. treat sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday diffently than they treat any other time of the week. They wont use phones or computers. really observant Jews wontdrive in cars or turn on things like stoves.

I was thinking about how nice that would be.. to stay away from email and phones for a whole day a week. Sho suggested i give it a try.. he calls it ‘an island of time’.. i may try it just as a way to start putting some limits on my work week.. .. No one has to know that I plan to take saturday off 🙂


we had a great dinner of some white chili diane had made. Deb , Hannah and olivier showed up.. then a little later my new freind Eugene. we had a pretty full house. Eugene is  a musician and is planning a crazy show in New Orleans in December and was looking to brainstorm on some effects. It was so much fun hearign about it.. and just hanging out.  Gotta come up with some ideas !


ok.. it’s late   .enjy your island of time !

Shabat shalom..

nite all, nite sam


Thursday night – Kasey

Good work day.. not much to report  beyond cool afternoon  sun


Around 7pm I went up to meet baby Kaey. He’s jsut turned 4 weeks old and i hadn’t met him. It was great to meet kasey and see Brad, Megg, Lee, and Anne-Marie. Pucket’s garndmaJill was there too !


Brad and Megg even let me operate him //at least one of us is happy !


Look who’s on their fridge

Nice to see these babies..


nite all, nite sam
