Saturday night – Trumbull Studios

Just wrapping up a very busy Saturday. We started in Sherborne at my Moms.. It was nice seeing her last night. Diane and I woke early, took a run then got on the road by 8.. it was just about a 3 hour drive to New Marburough . We were joining  some friends to meet Doug and Julie Trumbull and Trumbull studios. Doug is a special effects guy and director with an amazing history   He lead the special effects for movies we all love including 2001: A Space OdysseyClose Encounters of the Third KindStar Trek: The Motion PictureBlade Runner and The Tree of Life, > now he lives with his wife Julie in an incredibly beautiful part of the Berkshires in Western Mass. He’s working on some amazing ideas to make moviegoing a much more engaging and immersive experience. The Work is his.. so I cannot describe it here.. Let me just say that Doug and Julie are gracious hosts, visionary and both superb technicians and artists.

We really enjoyed our visit


after the technical meeting we had, we went out and visited Doug and Julie’s cool menagerie of minute donkeys, goats, dogs and chickens.


then we had a nice but long 3.5 hour drive back to Vermont…


the prize there was dinner with max and gave. Max is up visiting for a couple of days.. 

max gave me a cool huge flask that he found !




ok.. traveling tomorrow. gotta sleep.

nite all, nite sam




Friday night denices and denephews

Hi from sherborne ma.. Diane and i are down here at my moms on a quick stop between visitng our neice elizabeth and family and a work meeting on western mass tomorrow. It was nice to able to spend the night here and hang out with my mom for a bit

This afternoon we drove down to pelham nh to see elizbeth and chris and their kids emma and mason. We timed it because our sister in law and elizabeths mother denise was in town fro Kansas  with uer grandson austin. It was so much fun seeing them all






It was only a few days befor austins 6th birthday.  So we had a party for him


Diane red them all a good night book then we said good bue.. Great seeing them !



Ok ..pretty sleepy

Nite all, nite sam


Thursday night – lucky charms

happy St Patrick’s day

They’re always after me lucky charms !

It’s terrible that thats the most irish thing i can think of after 57 years o being on this planet.. I actually was in a  meeting with a bunch of  folks from Galley ireland and I forgot to wish them a happy St. P’s day


I remember the first St Patricks day that .i remember (is that a  tautology ?)  My friend Monica pinched me because I forgot to wear  green.. I was so offended.. I remember telling her I was jewish and that we didn’t have saints.. so I didn’t have to wear green. I was in nursery school.. Ms Holidays at St/ Francis nursery school..


We celebrated today by going up to Tim and jens and drinking light green Absinthe. ..

Max surprised us by coming in with Becky for the weekend. Nice !



Sam really liked irish  head banging music like Flogging molly

That was the last shirt I ever saw him wear…   Thats always my first thought on St. Patricks days now.

ok. I can feel the wormwood oozing into my brain.. gotta sleep..

Happy St Patty’s everyone


nite all, nite sam
