Treating from the Montreal airport… !. Diane and I are heading to Munich and it was easier flying out of here. I’m so happy that Diane is coming with me on this trip !. More from the road !
nite all, nite sam
Treating from the Montreal airport… !. Diane and I are heading to Munich and it was easier flying out of here. I’m so happy that Diane is coming with me on this trip !. More from the road !
nite all, nite sam
Just had the pleasure to hear MiT Media Lab guy and recent PhD grad David Sengeh speak on comfortable prosthetics.. and local innovation. He had some great messages about the engineering requited to make comfortable prosthesis … he did some very cool modeling and 3d printing to make some of the worlds most comfortable artificial legs. He also told us about a program he started celled ‘global minimum’.. (the holy grail if you’re into optimization ) that helps promote local talent, skills nd materials for young inventors in africa.. It was really inspiring !
I had a few moments to speak with David after his talk and found out that he’s collaboration with friends of mine in Kenya.. a lucky small world coincidence..
David is also a rapper.. he made this about some of the struggles in his home country of sierra leon
pretty good !
nite all, nite sam
Just realized that I forgot to talk about the elections yesterday. i don’t mean the national elections… About them, I wasn’t too happy.. nor was I surprised about the elections. I thought Bernie did pretty well.. and hope he sticks with it..
what I’m talking about is our local town’s a disticly vermont tradition.. everyone stops what they’re doing on the fish tuesday of march and goes to their town school. church or grange and walks through the town budget, votes on bills, airs their grievances and thanks their public officials. I’ve been going for 34 years.. and it still brings me a great since of belonging. I couldn’t stay much yesterday.. but I was there long enough to see a few old friends.. in fact most of the folks there were getting a but older. I heard a little controversy.. a little agreement. and left feeling very good about democracy in our small corner of the world.
thanks to the selctboard and town members for keeping this tradition going.. its what made this country greta.t..
or at least what makes our little town great !
nite all, nite sam
Busy day.. nice yoga.. now I need to get myself to go to sleep. I’m here plunking at code for a cool asset tracking demo we’re doing with blockchain.. i got this very cool particle Electron chip .. It’s from the same folks that did the Particle (formerly Spark) Photon.. but this one has a GSM cellular modem. The shield I have also has a GPS and an accelerometer.. I have it now so it wakes up when I hit it.. and sends its lat/logn and maximum impact to the cloud.. still debuting some of the reporting.. but it’s working.. Pretty cool.. Nerd Urge is to stay up all night and keep working on it.. but sanity says go to sleep .. Which instinct will win ?
nite all, nite sam