WOke up this morning thinking we’d spend the whole day in Baltimore with my mom, brothers family and relatives.. went for a run.. came back, packed.. then checked n our flight.. ooops. I had made a late change to a flight segment from munich to Baltimore.. and as a result, United had canceled the last leg from Baltimore to Burlington. .. and.. all the flights back from baltirmore to burlignton were full..
Luckicly, the united people.. were very helpful.. it seemed that are trying to be particularly friendly this week after last weeks incident about dragging a paying customer off a plane…
we were able to find tickets out of Washington dulles.. but we had only an hour an a half to make it.. and a one hour drive.. The good news is.. we made it… and got hoem to Burlignton aroudn 2..
the silver lining was that we were able to get out side with the dogs for a long hike in unaturally warm and humid weather.. It was like an early summer day.. complete with the soudns of life everywhere..
listen to these peepers !!
great weekend…
nice to be home
nite all. noite sam