Monday night – Moved

Today is Memorial day.. and I was moved by many of the stories I heard on the radio about people who’d lost their lives in defending this country.. and the people who loved them…  My thoughts go out to all the  folks out there who’ve lost a loved one in the service of the country..

The day was also moving in a more literal way.. today we moved Gabe out of his old apartment and in to his new one. . THe day started a little rough when the secpnd rental company called to tell us that they didn’t have a truck for us ..   thsi after one other company did the same thing to us yesterday !

THey finally came through though.. and we got our truck.. just a bit later than planned. That gave us a few extra minutes to hang out wiht my aunt sis and unlce phil and daughter judy (like the jetsons !_)  I apologize for muy iphoen camera.. it’s pretty shot.. getting a new oen tomorrow I hope

my mom and her sister Sis


from ther ewe picked up the truck and headed to Gabes old place to pick up his stuff.. It took the better part of the afternoon to do.. Here

s my mom and Gabe


luckily we had Ian and Luke helping us with the move 


we then drove the loaded truck to Gabes new place.. we fit by about 2 inches !


his bedroom is a 3rd floor attic.. fun moving furnitre up tot that (not !) 

pizza break for the movers !


here’s the house



heres gabes room !


dropped ma off at her bus at around 4 / she had a good visit .. I was glasd she wwas here fdo rthe Sam gathering.

ok.. gotta wake up at 4AM.. so signing off now.. Nite all. nite sam





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