nice day.. busy at work.. took a short break to go to teh doctor.. I got antibiotics as precaution from the tick bite I got last week..
this evening diane and I and the dogs took an early evening hike up lbbys lookout.. then when out for sushi.. We finally ended up at my friend Nick’s birthday.. really nice..
there we we ended up talking about the game ‘six degrees of kevin bacon.. that came up because yesterday I was flipping through the movies on the plane when I came across the trailer of the movie “Hello, My name is Doris” . I watched enough of it to find the scene where my friend Leilani shoots an obscene gesture at Sally Fields..
Lelani and I were on the Colony together. I shared the picture with all my friends from the Colony. Johnny V shot back that this movie appearance makes us all part of the Six degrees of Kevin Bacon.
As Johnny V says
Side note. Lily is our link if we ever play “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon”. In the game you try to link anyone that has done movies or television to the actor Kevin Bacon by means of who they have worked with in the past.
So here it goes….
We all have worked with Lily on The Colony. She has worked with Sally Field on “My Name is Doris”. Sally Field has worked with Tom Hanks on a little movie by the name of “Forest Gump”. Tom Hanks was in “Apollo 13” which he played opposite of you know who….Kevin Bacon.
THat lead me to search and I found this great site
It’s so much fun.. you cN choose wehter you want to consider movies, Tv, even video games.. YOu can also include actors, directors adn producers. Here are a few ‘ego searches’ usng the tool !..
if you allow actors, producers and directors for movies and tv.. here’s the closest I found
if you only allow actors
what connection does the Dali Lama have to Kevin Bacon ?
what about between me and his Holliness ?
what a great way to waste a half hour !
nite all, nite sam