woke early and said good bye to Alexy and Elena and family.. Really wonderful staying with them and gettign to know their family..
got a train back to Munich.. and walked through pouring rain to meet Kelly and Florian and FLorain’s very great girlfriend Katja
we zipped up the motorway at about 110 MPH and got to Stuttgart in plenty of time for me to get a quick ride from FLorian to see my frfends in Boeblingen..
I went to Jochen’s magic house and met his magic wife ! Here they are with wires exposed.. Jochen is wiring the garage door so it automatically opens when they ride in with their cool eelctric biles.
jocehn has every iot gadeget ever thought of.. like this robotic mower
cognitive camera
soil sensors
sprikeler thats smarter than i amm
IoT faucets\
smart rain cistern
even smarter sprinkler
his house is like a museam !
i didn’t get a picture, but our friend Patrizia stopped by too !
at 5:30 I caught the Sbahn back to stutgart then the ubahn out to florians. i was fascinated with the the upholsery i the Ubahn
as I traveled back to florians, florian and kelly were at the top of the giant tv antenna overlooking the city.. they sent me this picture.
i found a beutiful woods trail between the Ubahn stop and florians house.. .. thhe whole contry is criss crossed by these well mainteained paths..
i got to FLorian and Katja’s just as FLorian and Kelly frove up We got a tour of their golf stuff.. i didnlt even know there was all this golf stuff
their house and gardens are SO beutiful.. the view is great too . it was really amazing
here katja and florian are pointing out plants in teh garden (Yuccas in Germany !)
then came dinner prep !
and pictures of tazmanian devils Kelly had seen in Austrailia.. now thats a wierd looking beast !
as we prepared to eat. we xcompaed our feet..
just because it rhymed
heres me testing the condiments
thigs to do with proseco caps..
wait. getting better
even better
what a great night !/. THank you guys for hosting us !
nite all, nite sam