We had a great time tonight at a birthday party for our friend Ang.. it wasn’t really a birthday party.. it was a Salon..
I love the idea. Salon’s were pupoulare in the 18, 19th and early 20th century.. There were salons like the famous Bloomsbury group where folks like virgina wolfe and Em. Forester met in cafes and held court. I first became familiar with the concept in one of my favorite books. Der Man Ohne Eigenschaften (The man with out Qualities) by Robert Musil.. Musil talks about the Salon of the beutiful and powerful (and fictional) Diotima, who rued society on Vienna in the early 20th century..Salons were a way to entertain and educate.. to spread ideas..
THe solon tonight was such a great and generous idea.. instead of having a party about herself.. Ang and Ryan invited an eclectic group of friends..and made the party about them.. Everyone was invited to perform or share something..
Ang and Ryans kids Dash and Lioni kicked things off..
then there were readings
including a wonderful song Ryan performaed.. He wrote it whenhe proposed to ang…
they are SO cute together
Te cool thing about salons is that it wasn’t only artists and poets who did it.. Scientists like Nikala Tesla were popular participants Tesla used to bring his high voltage devices to Salons to share advances in sceince with non sceintists…
That inspird me to bring soem high voltage gadgets tonight the pickle experiment, some van der graff fun.. and an attempt at some tesla play.. which didn’t work out (Scott.. will call tomorrow.. I think I need to replace the optical receiver on on the interrupter board 🙁 )
all in all it fit in well
now honme.. it’s in the high 60’s outside.. gettign pretty warm to sleep ! .. but I’m so sleepy.. should work
ok.. night all. night sam