I went out for a walk before gabe woke up.. in search of soemthing to fix my toe.. it was just after sunrise..
By the time I got back to our seedy hotel. gabe was wakung u.. We packed up an found the caravan of trucks… and headed with the crew to Whole Foods for provisioning. John Marston (Stark) has done an excellent job of planning the shopping. each meal’s shoping and receipes were printed on laminaed cards.. /the store was ready for us !
our job was to run around the store, pick up the stuff on the card, get in line to pay.. then take it out for sorting into cloth bags and ice chests..
you could even buy ‘sparkle ponies’ ( a derogetory term for folks who show up at burnign man with out equiment and provisions to survive on the dessert.
we filled two trucks wiht our stuff
and headed out to blck rock. I went with dom and caralyn with ther old beater camper that they baught just to go to the burn.
it was so great talkign to them and the others in the campers (aaron. arron, lu ie,dom carolyn) that we were in Gerlach in no time.. it’s the last point of civilization before Black rock
it was a warm day.. there were at least 3 days in a row over 110 degrees.
finally we tunreed off the freeway and on to the gate road.. it was in white out.. that only took us 3 miles.. it took gabe and his car 5 hours @
before we got in we were checked for stowaways…
an here’s the belll that says ‘home’…
first timers hit the bell then make a sand angel in the playa dust
we got to our camsite.. Duanes Whiled at 8:15 and I ..
dom and carolyn were happy to doen driving.
ok.. thats our first day of my delayed posts..
i;ll post the rest of my pics now
nite all. nite sam\-me