tuesday night – free falling

down in Boston for a meeting. the first meeting  I’ve been able to drive to in a good long while. I had calls on the way down.. but i also had time to listen to the radio and take in the unfolding news… Tom Petty was the sound track of the day. You porbably know he died last night at the age of 66.. his music was the sound track for my drive as I heard the unfolding tragedy of las vegas.,. 

i heard the death toll..  I heard interviews with newly grieving parents.. and I couldnt hold my own tears back. I had a work call with my freind Susan S… and she told me her best froind from colleges son was one of the victims,,’.. 

and my world slipped a little.

 I had to stop and wonder what our world is becoming..   i had to remind my self that the world is really mostly good…


nite all, nite sam



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