Thursday night – quick funny story

It’s late.. so I’ll make this quick.. I had a funny thing happen today.. Max called me during a meeting today with a funny problem. A friend of his was working on a project related to this wonderful piece which was first shown at Burning Man .

it turns out , the project had a hardware problme.. even tougher, the whole thing was in Toronto. They were asking Max to fly to toronto tonight to try to fix it. Max asked me if I knew anyoen who could solder in Toronto…

of course i do.. oen of my favorite solderer S. My buddy Markus who is


saving my you-know-what.

i connected max to markus .. and 3 hours later got a picture from markus with the message that all was well !

he is such a multipurpose friend !\\ok.. gotta sleep..
nite all, nite sam

Wednesday night – L’shana tova !

Happy new year everyone.. It’s officially Rosh Hashonah.. the head of the Jewish New Year.. Happy 5778 !
I’m alone in my small hotel room feeling thoughtful  and grateful for my family, friends and life…   Todays the day to begin reflecting on that.. Also.. I learn from wikipedia.. a day to refrain from creative work.. so.. I promise this short post will be boring.
one rule for the day is to heare the Shofar… I had to find that unusual sound,,. so here it is… Please take a listen… 

I hope its a sweet new ear for you and yours !

nite all, nite sam



Tuesday night – two movies, two friends

Busy day. Several VIP visits here at the Munich center which is always fun/hard work. It was an ‘inside’ day.. so not many pictures I can share here.. instead I’ll share two videos I got today with contributions from two different friends. 

The first is a great  a project IBM is doing to help protect endangered animals in South Africa. My good friend Markus V did a big part of the technical work for this.. .. just like he’s done a bunch of work for us here at the center.  He wrote the code that links the animal tracking colors to our Watson IoT network via long range low power LORA networks. He then gets that data and puts it on a real time map.. My hat (if I had one) goes off to him for his technical and creative super powers in helping make this happen. I’m very  proud to know him !

the second is a short video from Burning Man this year. It show’s ‘Rabid Transit’ the art car creation of my new friend Duane F who camped along side us.


I love having such creative friends !

nite all, nite sam



Monday night – Lächelnschmertz

I made up a German word tonight.. Lächelnchmertz.. I don’t thik it really exists.. but  if it did, it would mean soemthing like smiling so much your face hurts :-).. thats what happened tonight when a bunch of us went to Oktoberfest (aka Wiesn) here in Munich.. 


I dragged out my 39 (!) year old lederhosen that my lovely host family, the Erols had made for me in 1979. I may look very different, but at least my pants from college still fit 🙂 

Here I am on the elevator at work with my friend Tobias.

I’m wearing the rainbow coat becuase it’s friggin’ freezing here.. and I have no other coat.. kinda covers the fact that my lederhosen are soooo short. loook like hotpants !


we all took the subway down to the Wiesn and met up there 

many good friends here ! SOme from here .. and soem from far away !


here’s what we’re here to do.. you only got 2 beers.. but they were a liter each. Dn’t tell anyone.. but I only had one.. I’ve had had so much partying this week at the Me conference I really couldn’t think of drinking any more beer .. it was so fun being the designated sober person in a hall of several thousand very not sober people..


ahh.. three good friends.. Lousia, babbette and sherri !


i finally got a chance to put my freind serge (from france) and my freind ollie (from here) together .. I and many others think they look like brothers.. maybe not so much in this picture.. 

ahh. here’s my good buddy  tyrone.. the only person who drank less beer than I did.. 



i had my glasses with me.. I know I need to make some new toys  but folks do seem to love them 


actually I had two pairs.. the other ones modeled by my freind Brendan


klaudia !


johanes shooting champaign all ver everyone 


lousia !


up close to the band !


then my phoen died.. which was a good thing.. because I needed both hands to dance !

i was home by midnight.. and … i think.. i was the only sober person on the subway coming home..


this city loves to party.. and i love this city

nite all, nite sam
