Friday night – the day before the burn



hmm.. getting confuded on my dates here.. 

anyway.. another evening on the playa.. the high point was a ride on “rabid Transit’ !


over to a Skullyx concert.. heard hi hear last year,. 


getting the man ready 


letting builly know where we are.. 


hey.. we foudn our o=six wheeler booga !..  Her’s what Max and I built out of her

i was so glad to see her.. i gave her a kiss !





here’as me in a one hour line to be tossedi in with 50 other naked people and reinvade down with dr bronners soap.. so much fun.. and UI was clean !


ok.. may one more day..

nite all. nite sam



Friday night – Billy’s here !

Friday is a big day on the playa.. kind of peak madness

neres te little swamp cooler I made workign it’s magice 



jamse and his boys dressed to go make samores 


kulkaberra looking smashing 


moe free beer on the playa !


ani ersar gift from max.. included really goid tequila.. and a kit for finding your way on the playa.. it had one N,S,E,W dice, a compas and a regular dice. When iloist… jsut

roll the dice and head off in that direction !


more free beers to give out 



more dead guys rowing 


where am i ? 




our good freind Izzy !


ok.. just a few more days…

nite all. nite sam



Thursday night – anniversay day on the playa (delayed post)

Today was diane and my 31st wedding anniversary.. I wanted to do a shout out to her… but there was no phoen or email there.. lso we made a plan…


the bikes were grtting pretty grindy by this tme. lucky we had my old pal gizzo (aka John B).. he took apart the bearings to see what could be saved.. .. the shaft were all packed  in fine playa  sand


that really chewed up the bearing chances.. . but john had a manuver for ppackign them back in without the chace.. one freind eve usd bacon grease !

soemone the worked !




andrew got several of us to help with his movie project.. we each picked a piece of lit. and red it in fron t of the camera


here’s Nova (aka Jo) reading 


ty with his ‘shittaur 


gabe and I working on the surprise for mom 


at 3 p, we went back in the no ands land of Black rock ublic works to talk to mey new friened motorbike matt.. he runs the brining man playa cam.. he’d agfreed to doa  quik interview of us at 3  so diane could see it.. she knew to be looking at the webcam then 

\here’s motorbike \\




here’s the camera 




and here we are doing the anniversary dacne for diane.. and she saw the whole thing !!!!!





first a hit of good meszcal to give us courage.. 


gabe found a little give away… wtf ? 


then we found soemthign to  climb. Amazing view of Black Rock from ther e. 



our old freind Elliot showed up !


dinner.. gulp


diners.. gulp 


haoy anniversar my love.. we all love you so much !

niote all, niote sam



Wednesday night – third day on the playa (delayed post)


anther hot noght 


we ent inside the man.. it was really eutifull 


so were max and becky !


absynth dispenser !


gabe in green 


the crew the next morning 

.. here are the goyls… 



and duanes pants 


here’s Georges very cool cosmis connection peice.. it visualized cosmic rays.. z


this oeue is one of my favoits.. its charon rowing the dead across the river styx 


anc this is the gravity temple. those are massive granit chuncks 


we organized a dee playa beer give away.. ahhh the magic of 80 ice cold beers ona 110 degree day a mile out in the dessert.. we mae freinds fast !


uh oh sand twister coming !


my freind tuchar 


here are those tesla coiks by day wth people for size rerference 


my freind Johns daughter.


sand stork.. stay close gabe !


more tomorro

nite all. nte sam\me