Tuesday Night – day on the playa (delayed post)

spent the night checking out the art and riding around the playa on our cheap bikes. it’s SO much fun.. the temp drops into the 70’s so its tolerable



heres the unburnt man 


we found a fire sand table.. I gotta make one of theese 


two GIANT phased tesla colis !


back around 4 and a few ours of sleep. My swamp cooler works retty wekk.. adds at leas t 2 hours of sleeping  comfort  rom the heat 


my te is looking a bit worse.



don’t worry..arron is onl ainting Kelly’s ey



then I mae my pilgramige to the temple.. it really is a poilgramige.. I start crying the moment i enter the place.. it literally brings me to my knees..when I loose my breath.. I leave a samstone..a d a message for my dad.. pull myself togeterh.. and feel really. really great.. I only have to do it one.. it down’t happen the next timw i comw in.. but its really an amazing thing that comes over m. 



eww that toe 


sandstorm hitting our camp !!!!


more next

nite all, noite sam\-me


Monday evenng – First day on the playa (delayed post)

burning mans ‘days’ are actually nights.. we head out around 9 or 20 at night and get back around 4:30-5.. this first night we cruized aroudn seeign what was already tehre. first stop was our camp parnters in Rabid Trransit.. frinds Duane, Micki and Jerry.. they built Pulpo mechanico … and this is here new creation. 


then we unloaded enough bikes to get around and took off.. 


first stop was the beutiful peoice “aqueos’ from Jen Lewin studios’ .. Max was the lead tech on it.. it was so breutiful.. it responded very natually to walk or dance


afther that we jsut went cruzing aroudn the playa checkign out the art 



this tree was so simnole.. but one of m favorites. 


home past .4


gabe and I slept in one of the trucks..SOem of the othrs just slept outside that first night.. I’m sure it was cooler out there 



veryone needed ot  lean up.. then we started to set o the camp. and eat brakfast  




i had a vermont shaped sandwhich 


hey the campo is looking good !


here’s the setu for the hexayirst.. ther makde of foam panels.. much cooler than a fabrzM 


hey… here’s my frind Rolf from The Ntehrlands.. how’d HE get there . 



our first camp meeting.. awwww


end of another great day.. more tomorrow..

nite all. nite sam


Sunday Evening – Packing for the Playa (delayed post)

 I went out for a walk before gabe  woke up.. in search of soemthing to fix my toe.. it was just after sunrise..


By the time I got back to our seedy hotel. gabe was wakung u.. We packed  up an found the caravan of trucks… and headed with the crew to Whole Foods for provisioning. John Marston (Stark) has done an excellent job of planning the shopping. each meal’s shoping and receipes were printed on laminaed cards.. /the store was ready for us !

our job was to run around the store, pick up the stuff on the card, get in line to pay.. then take it out for sorting into cloth bags and ice chests.. 


you could even buy ‘sparkle ponies’ ( a derogetory term for folks who show up at burnign man with out equiment and provisions to survive on the dessert. 


we filled two trucks wiht our stuff


and headed out to blck rock. I went with dom and caralyn with ther old beater camper that they baught just to go to the burn. 


it was so great talkign to them and the others in the campers (aaron. arron, lu ie,dom carolyn) that we were in Gerlach in no time.. it’s the last point of civilization before Black rock 


it was a warm day.. there were at least 3 days in a row over 110 degrees. 



finally we tunreed off the freeway and on to the gate road.. it was in white out..  that only took us 3 miles.. it took gabe and his car 5 hours @


before we got in we were checked for stowaways… 


an here’s the belll that says ‘home’… 


first timers hit the bell then make a sand angel in the playa dust 

we got to our camsite.. Duanes Whiled at 8:15 and I ..



dom and carolyn were happy to doen driving. 


ok.. thats our first day of my delayed posts..


i;ll post the rest of my pics now


nite all. nite sam\-me


Saturday night- prep day

Apologoes: No pics tonight not enough bandwidth from our sleazeball hotel

gabe and i slept late. By the time we woke up it was almost 9… we opened the curtains and the blinding Nevada sun poured in. We decided to explore reno a little so we headed down to the truckee river to look at the art. There we found a Hawaii day festival.

we grabbed a bowl of sashimi and rice Hawaii style and ate breakfast….

from there we ubered up to meet our campmates at the storage compartment. We only new about 3 of the 15. Fun to meet new folks !

We spent about 4 hours cleaning it out, fixing 45 bikes, loading all the stuff into two 16 foot trucks we’d ordered a 24 foot one. In feb .they told us yesterday they didn’t have a truck for us. Same thing happened to us when we helped move gabe to his new apartment.

anyway by 5 we had both trucks completely packed. Gabe and i went off with dom and Caroline to wallmart to get some essentials (a car battery, an adult size dinosaur onesy, a cigar lighter, gold tape, mini bar)





finally we all ended up at the all you can eat buffet at the peppermil.

…chilli rellenos, capers, tatertots, ceviche , fried bananas…im now in a food coma


early morning tomorrow so I’ll  end here.. may add pictures later

nite all, nite sam
