really nice 4th of july.. repeart of many long traditions.. makes me happy and nostalgic . So many 4ths with the kids…relatives, freinds. It was really nice having Pat and Joe here with us today.
first stop (after a run) was the parade at Bressors . We’re all lookign pretty ‘vermonty’
then.. the parade !
our freind John Hmalin is now a town police officer.. he lead the parade .
Our good, good freind and neighbor of 35 years Pat Quinn died last November. He was named the honorary grand marshal of the parade.. here’s the Kilpeck’s horses pulling a wagon wiht all of Ptt and Janet’s family..
then the pipers
the pet parade
then the old tractors
the town band
the new tractors
then too soon.. there was marshal bringing up the rear..
he always carrys a sign to provoke thought..
this year it was .. ‘read sarah cleghorn’/. a poet from Massachusetts.. I don’t know her.. so I need to read her to figure out what Marshal is thinking.. always an interesting thing to try and figure out
then it was down to the green.. along with everyone from town. I love seeign folks here.
we ran into so many friends. THese guys agreed that we need to re-kickstart the parade ..
we ran into hannah and dave .. hadnt seen them in TOO LONG !
foudn Art hamiln.. because I had to take this shot.
we checked out weverything.. including the old cars
eventually we went home..
Joe and I went up to Milton to look at a potential retirement job connection for him..
then back home for a cookout with gabe and his freinds..
aroudn 9 we headed back into richmond to watch fireworks at gary and gean’s. (how does one spell gene ? jean ? geen ? )
here’s the back of Diane’s head.. which i think is beautiful .. \\
especially with fireworks
great day.. ready for bed..
more tomorrow.
nite all, nite sam