Just about midnight and just got back to my hotel. I flopped down on the bed and try to take off my shoes. They were on really tight…. It’s a funny reminder of my day. I know it sounds strange but When ever I have to do public speaking I am absolutely terrified.
I mean really really terrified
It doesn’t matter whether it’s 20,000 people or 15 kindergartners.
One of the funny symptoms of my stage fright is that my toes begin to itch uncontrollably. The only thing I know how to do to stop it is to tie my shoes almost unbearably tight…
Today I tied my shoes on really tightly and it seem to work.my talk went well. At least It was very fun. I was Sharing the stage with my boss and that’s always fun to do. She’s a great speaker and has lots of fun contagious energy…
Now if I can figure out how to get my shoelaces untied I can get some sleep
Nite all, night Sam
– me