Wednesday night – early to bed

When I started to write this… I had the intent to get to bed early. I just looked up and realized it’s almost 1130. So much for that.
Had a good day . The mood here in Munich is definitely a bit more relaxed after a genius of things Summit two weeks ago even though we have a Ton more to do

We have a sales training event here in Munich which means I’ve been able to connect with lots of old friends and get some good work done with them. It’s been fun touring them around the center

Got to meet some nice new people too!

Couldn’t resist comparing our 3-D printed version of our Munich home with the real thing… The printed one is certainly more portable

It was great having dinner with my good friends Yunjung and Dave at my favorite Afghani place

OK time for sleep. More tomorrow
Night all, night Sam
– Me

Tuesday night – fasching

Today had many twists and turns. It’s carnival or fasching as it’s cold here… The last craziness before the Catholic Lent.

A couple of things made it remarkable… First of all I was running to a meeting from my hotel over to our headquarters when I decided to take a shortcut by running down a hill. I quickly found out that underneath the green grass was still ice and I slipped and fell and slid down this big hill. It was so much fun, so embarrassing, and so practically difficult

Here’s the hill looking down from my office

Here’s my very dirty sports coat… And I just had it dry cleaned

At the end I was covered with mud… Yet I still had a meeting to go to. I was able to run back to the hotel and change my clothes and get back to the meeting before it was really started… That was great…

I also managed to get in my mud covered clothes into the laundry.… What I didn’t realize is that I had left my wallet in my pants pocket… So when it came to the end of the day and I had to go catch a cab somewhere… “No cash”… No nothing. That that that I was able to locate through my hotel the laundry people and luckilythey had saved my wallet. I had to wait a little bit to get it but then I was able to go downtown and meet friends for the carnival celebration. It was a zoo. There were so many people out in crazy costumes.

I love carnival… I love you all…
Night all, night sam


Monday night – back in Munich

Nice to be back in my other home… I’m in Munich for the week attending a large sales conference. So many friends I haven’t seen in a while. It’s great.

One funny thing happened on the flight over last night. I got to my seat on the plane. I looked up and my friend Tamara and her husband were there. They had not been given seats together but I was in a position where when I swapped they were able to sit together. So she was right behind me. It’s pretty funny we actually work together fairly closely. She’s in “influencer” in my industry and we keep running into each other. But never in an airplane. It is truly a small world

OK… Going to try to sleep. More tomorrow
Night all, night Sam