Tuesday night – Oregonizing

We all spent parts of  the day working and the evening organizing for our trip to Oregon.. I call it ‘oregonizing’ 

this morning took Satori to the vet to get her teeth scaled and cleaned.. she’s 10 and has trouble wiht her teeth. she needs to be 

under anesthesia to get them clean.. I felt so bad for her.. but she didn’t seem worried when I dropped her off. 


here’s the pictures fro the procedurs.. she actually looks pretty fierce liek this !



another pre travel ritual, Gabe and I had to transfer the Sake we’re makign to the secondary fermenter. 


after work I had a board meeting with generator. We’re ending the fiscal year in great shape.. 

membership growing, moeny in the bank, excellent staff..  more classes than ever.. 


and a wonderful board. 


Dan .. our leader saifd this tkaed the ‘bored’ our  of ‘board’ 


ok.. gotta finish packing


nite all, nite sam


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