Friday night – Cartopia

another great day in Portland.. I really like this place. I worked through about half the day.., then I ran out of meetings 🙂 .. 

Gabe lead us to a few more apartments to check out. I’m so impressed on ho whe’s organized his search.. there are qute a few nice places to lice out here. 


around 9:30 we headed up to OHSU for a meeting .. it was great walking around  the place.. it’s amazing.. way up above the city .. a cool mix of new and old. 



here’s where gabe will be studying 



here’s the tram that takes people up and down the mountain . 


we were up there again at 3.. Diane and I took a hike while gabe was at a meeting. we discovered a trail into the woods.. it was incredible 


ok.. not that incredible 


.. and we found sour patch octupuses !


then down the tram again !

then we went down to see Kate and Rich again.. and dragged them and our mutual freind David out to Caropia.. a food truck place right near where we’re staying 



penut satay poiutine, middleeastern mezza and korean tofo Binbop..

I really. really like this place !

nte all, nite sam



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