nice quiet day.. SPent the mornign cleaning out anotehr bookself.. then starting in on the garage. Workign outside braought all sorts of people over to say hi.. our reind Elliott stopped by
as did Mat and Deb. Matt’s on his way to Florence for grad school in Design. . He’ll be gone a year! I’m so proud of him !
later this evening we went up to colchester to see our freinds jenn and ken. Jen, and another ken.. not this one.. and I are colaborating on a piec efor the maiker faire.
I snuck in some HW/SW hacking time today and wired up a BNO055 9 Degrees of Freedom (9 DOF) absolute orientation sensor to an esp2866 microcontroller. Jenn is rigging this to a simple object that you’ll spin to spin a large object thats projected into the woods at Makerfaire . We got pretty far today.. I can now move an object around in space and see its screen image track the moves. Its nice because the sensor does the data fusion between it’s magnetometer, gravimeter and accelerometers. .. and out come simple Euler angles.. very nice..
I got the thing wired u.. then we went out to Colcheser to meet them for dinner. They have SUCH a cool house.. they’r eyard is like a museum:
we fioanlly got around to porting my example to Jenns WIndows 10 compter after 10 pm.. we were all pretty sleep, but we manged to get everything working !
then it was 11pm and time to go
glad we’re home. I need to sleep !
nite all. nite sam