Started from home around 6am.. headed to Rochester VT to pick u[ my friend Kim at his house down ther.. the drive over the App gap was beutiful
route 100 went through some very nice steep hollows..
OBM.. is it fall already ?
Kim and I had a great 3 hour conversation about MIT as we drove down. We both had the same meeting to go to at MIT at 12. We stopped by his house for me to drop my car and pick up his. I got a chance to see his and Kathy’s lovely 1830’s house and barn
here’s kim with his milkweed.. complete with monarch chrysali and catepilelrs
this is definitely an MIT’s professor’s office !
then out to see their barn.. complete wiht a model T !
witha pipe organ in the back !
lotas of other treasures in the barn.. including props for plays
the rest of the pipe organ
the rest of the day was busy.. lots of meetings.. need to make more time to think
nite all, nite sam