Monday night – Drive

Started from home around 6am.. headed to Rochester VT to pick u[ my friend Kim at his house down ther.. the drive over the App gap was beutiful


route 100 went through some very nice steep hollows.. 



OBM.. is it fall already ? 


Kim and I had a great 3 hour conversation about MIT as we drove down. We both had the same meeting to go to at MIT at 12.   We stopped by his house for me to drop my car and pick up his. I got a chance to see his and Kathy’s lovely 1830’s house and barn 



here’s kim with his milkweed.. complete with monarch chrysali and catepilelrs 



this is definitely an MIT’s professor’s office !


then out to see their barn.. complete wiht a model T !

witha pipe organ in the back !


lotas of other treasures in the barn.. including props for plays 


the rest of the pipe organ 


the rest of  the day was busy.. lots of meetings..   need to make more time to think


nite all, nite sam



Sunday night – winter is coming

busy day around the house..  cleaned out another 10 boxes of books. brings good memories looking at them as they go.. makes great memories for having less stuff !


around 1 seamus and his dad, my freind sean, cam e over. I’m helpig him build a robotic car. I’m using wone of the electric wheelchair frames that a freind donates to me.. it was fun showing him how to use it . 



the big task of the day was changign the drive belt and balde on our mower.. lots of swearign involved.. but ultimately everything worked. 



we rewarded ourselves with a hike up hiney hollow .. .. the girls really liek it up  there


oen thing  we noticed up there..


winter is coming !


nite all, nite sam



Saturday night – 9DOF

nice quiet day.. SPent the mornign cleaning out anotehr bookself.. then starting in on the garage. Workign outside braought all sorts of people over to say hi.. our reind Elliott stopped by 




as did Mat and Deb. Matt’s on his way to Florence for grad school in Design. . He’ll be gone a year! I’m so proud of him !


later this evening   we went up to colchester to see our freinds jenn and ken. Jen, and another ken.. not this one.. and I are colaborating on a piec efor the maiker faire. 

I snuck  in some HW/SW hacking time today and wired up a BNO055 9 Degrees of Freedom (9 DOF) absolute orientation sensor to an esp2866 microcontroller. Jenn is rigging this to a simple object that you’ll spin to spin a large object thats projected into the woods  at Makerfaire .   We got pretty far today.. I can now move an object around in space and see its screen image track the  moves. Its nice because the sensor does the data fusion between it’s magnetometer, gravimeter and accelerometers. .. and out  come simple Euler angles.. very nice.. 


I got the thing wired u.. then we went out to Colcheser  to meet them for dinner. They have SUCH a cool house.. they’r eyard is like a museum: 




we fioanlly got around to porting my example to Jenns WIndows 10 compter after 10 pm.. we were all pretty sleep, but we manged to get everything working !


then it was 11pm and time to go


glad we’re home. I  need to sleep !


nite all. nite sam 


Friday night – zucchini’s

SO nice to be home again. got hoem early and floated in the pool with DIane.. there we hatched our master plan for dinner. Zucchini patties !> You only ned to make them once a year.. but they are so good. they’re like the antipodal latke.. 

another fine way to turn our garden harvest into high fat, yummy food..



now.. what to do wiht all these tomatoes ?!?!


nite all, nite sam
