Tuesday night – Concord

Greetings from Concord mass… I’m down here tonight for an morning meeting tomorrow In Cambridge. I’m staying at my friends Renee, Dave Halle and Cibu. They have a wonderful place here in Concord… So great hanging out with them.

We found a really crazy coincidence… Renee was watching a video I had posted yesterday in honor of my brothers birthday… Dave was in the next room and recognized Billy’s voice. It’s turns out that Dave worked with Billy in the very early days of his cardiac stabilizer stuff sometime in the mid 90s here in Boston… it really is a small world

Not much else to report today… Interesting High Point was that we kicked off the Vermont task force on artificial intelligence today in Montpelier . I Was asked to serve on this panel that is looking at the pros and cons of promoting Ayite and Vermont… Such an interesting question even to consider… I’m really looking forward to those conversations

Not much else to report… More tomorrow

Nite all, nite Sam


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