Friday night – Equinox

Hapy autumnal equinox.. the day and night are in balance and equal in lenght. I just read it used to be called the ‘evennight’ for that reason. 

I spent my day half working as usual.. 

the night half so far has been nice.. we had our friends jen and jim over .. and one of the main topics of discussion was quality of sleep..Jen had just come from a day long lecture on ‘quieting the active mind’.. and one of the techniques the speaker suggested was keeping a sleep diary.. Its not anything I ever thought to do.. so we all talked about our last nights sleep.. It turns out i’m a champion sleeper. I’m usually asleep within  3 minutes of lying down.. and generally  wake up rested in the morning. I need about 6 hours of sleep.. though I love a little more.. 

our friends it seems were not as lucky.. and didn’t sleep that well.. though the speker ahd given soem good tips of what not to do before sleep (no alcohol. no great activity, no screens ) 


i’m glad to be good at something I guess 🙂 

nite all, note sam



One thought on “Friday night – Equinox”

  1. I have to go to a sleep lab to be tested for sleep apnea. After all these years, there’s finally a reason for my need for so much sleep!

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