I’ve been helping my friend Jenn wiht a project for this weekends Makerfaire . SHe’s doign a piece for the Saturday night ‘Makers in the Dark‘ section
She wanted a wireless device that could be rotated in space and have a corresponding 3D image projected on a scrim in the woods. I made the hardware for her using an Adafruit Feather Huzzah ESP8266-based wifi microcontroller and an I2C connectes Bosch BNO055 9 degrees of freedom accelerometer, gravimeter, magnetometer. That relays its measurements via MQTT to a
Logic Supply ML600 fanless computer that I was given as a gift by the very good people at Logic Supply. it;’s a beautiful machine.. it runs on 12 volts, has no fan, has hot plugable flash storage, and is super fast. the LM600 is running Ubuntu 18.04., Mosquitto MQTT broker and Processing 3.04. It is set up as a wireless hotspot to talk to the snesor.
I tested it with Jenn tonight at the generator
So far so good.. lets see how well it works in the woods !
nite all, nite sam