Sunday night – hot air

nce again, I spent the entire day home with the dogs. it was SO nice. I had a ton of work work to do .. which was actually kinda fun.. and I wrote a bunch more code fore an art project I’m helping with. If it hadn’t been a call from our friends Deb , Frank and Nick I wouldn’t have gotten more than 300m from the house today. They invited me over to hote air bal;loons we’d given them in honor of their wedding…. which was10 years ago !!!

well. .they were still fresh !


nite all, nite sam


Saturday night – nobody

Add a lovely day at home by myself with the dogs. Hardly talked to a soul all day which is unusual for me and was a good practice… It’s fun to be on my own every once in a while… But a little goes a long way .

Not much to report… Took the dogs for a couple of walks, jumped in Honey Hollow which was pretty cold… Did some work work and some housework… And spent a lot of time talking to the dogs.

Later this afternoon I sat down to start working on a hardware project for a friend of mine who’s doing an art exhibit at the upcoming maker fair. I sat down and the next thing I know it was five hours later. The good news is I learned a whole lot about a barn2 Lenix running on and fanless industrial computer

OK but that that that’s it for now.

Night Nite all, nite Sam

– me

Friday night – Arthop

Just back fro the arthop.. such a wonderful event. I saw so many new and old friends down their.

FIrsts top was generator.. which was really buzzing.. there were drone races going on.. .. this is the biggest indoor drone racing course in.. soutnh burlington ? vermont ? the us ? the world ? .. soemthing like that 



great running into so many folks.. .like paul and sue 


here’s a little squid casting.. a Virtual Reality game that included a real kayak.. and vrtual squids 


Judith and Mark.. judith commutes down to boston too 

kendell had some cool peices.. like this one of all the fake russioan tweets that had affected the last election



and this one mapping age, interests and phone types.. 


dave P was there with a wifi secret revealer. 


and check out this cool conveyor 


I caught up with old freinds sandy and micahel and walked with them for a bit

and ran into Matt amd melissa.. new freinds meet old

I love this town so much. so much cool art and sceince

happy to be home now.. super sleepy.. hard day

nite all, nite sam


Thursday night – Phosphorus

Diane was up early to head out to Portland to give Gabe a hand with Setup . He starts grad school next week !

I got out of bed.. already missing her.. and took the dogs for a walk.. There were two magnificent herons there to say hello 


around 7:30 TIm came by and pciked me up. We were carpooling to the VT STate task force on Phosphorus reduction. . it was in one of the annex buildings.. kinda simple. 


great commitee memebrs on this pannel.. all sorts of people.. including Dave from Cabot dairy.. Cheese Bonus !



lots goign on at work to.o.. so I was busy till late.. then met up with Jarrod. Ryam amd paul at  Dpug’s Boathose.. a tiny old fashioned restaurant right at where the Winooski meets Lake Champlain.. 




the place had the most amazing sunset !



from there a quick viast to Genreator to show Jennn K wht I’d done for her Makerfaire peace.. SO nice seeing all my freinds there ..   Lots of squid motifas tonight.. funny as thats my alma mater. 


then paul , ryan. jattod and I went to art riats , ate and schemed of goofy ideas..

it really doesnt get any better than that !


as I was abot to drive home, I saw that alterator was open.. Matt and Ben where there.. so good catching up with them !



what a full day !

\nite all. nite sam
