Saturday night – Pittsburgh

I didn’t write last night because I didn’t know what to say… We watched coverage of the horrible shooting in Pittsburgh yesterday. Tree of life is a congregation I know well. We have many friends who went there when we lived in Pittsburgh. My heart goes out to those people there today… what to say ?!

I was shocked to see our friend Mikael Eisenberg being interviewed on all the news channels. Michael was the past president of tree of life. He and his wife and daughter were also in our small baby group when we first moved to Pittsburgh… We haven’t stayed in touch really… But it was so strange to have that personal connection to something that otherwise seems just abstract and horrible.

What is happening to us?… What in our culture is causing all of these things to happen? Can it really be that Trump has set such a divisive tone for the country that allows …maybe even invites hatred…. thats surely part of it.. but I think hes more of a symptom than the lone cause

One thing that is certain..we need to change the path were on.. with the elections only a week away.. we need to vote to turn our country back to inclusion and compassion.. we need to show up and turn back hatred

Nite all, nite sam


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