Back in Vermont for 24 hours to deal with a plumbing issue and see Diane and the doggies
Back from a very exciting and fun tech together hackathon at Boston University this weekend. It was really an amazing event. More than 1000 women and non-binary gender hackers.
I was SO Impressed with the creativity and energy of all of these folks. Our challenge on technology fairness Turned out to be very popular. We had 18 teams Create solutions from hiring tools to ASL interpretation to bias in security screening.
I was there until about 3am last night working with one of the teams. It was actually hard saying goodbye to them Since it was so fun to work with them.
We had a great group of volunteers from IBM and represented really well. My thanks to all our teammates into Valentina and Pooja for being the coordinator’s
Here’s some pictures from the event today
Here’s the judging training event
The hackathon volunteers
The fabulous hand hand revolution team that used ibm tools to do ask recognition!
. My friend Heena from my Old IOT days
That’s ASL for IBM
Acres and acres of pizza
Award time!
Up on stage with Pooja to give out the awards
Our first place winners the hiring team… Their app removed the bias in hiring
Out asl team
My favorite team SafeNet… These are the folks I worked with until 3 AM. Excellent programmers and excellent people. I look forward to working with them again
We got all of the team together afterwards… Good thing that I had “this girl is on fire”loaded on my tesla coil… Doesn’t everyone? 🙂
OK… A hot bath awaits… More tomorrow
Night all, nite Sam