Busy day in Cambridge… We had a very interesting set of visitors from Germany. Herr Doktor Tholken, The German ambassador for technology was visiting our lab. He is the interface for his country to the world of technology. How amazing is that for a job? He and his colleagues were great to spend time with… I hope we can find something cool to do with them
Didier and Bassett are in his colleagues actually returned late in the day for our research open house. The open house was so great… All of our researchers including some of our colleagues from Yorktown were there with their MIT counterparts showing the public and each other but they were up to. It was so well done!
Later this evening my friends Akash, my new friend Felix and my good friend Jane from Vermont who is down for a conference all went out for dinner… On the way we checked out the AR paintings in the basement
After dinner I walked back over the beautiful Rebuilt Longfellow Bridge
That’s all I can stay awake for now… More in the morning!
Nite all, nite Sam