Thursday night – none of my business

Had an interesting day… One thing worth relating. I found myself very much in need of a new microSD card for a project I’m working on. The dilemma I had is that the only place within walking distance I could buy such a card was at Best Buy… Long time readers of this blog will recall that Best Buy treated us very poorly early last year when a laptop we had ordered for Gabe was stolen from the store before we picked it up. Even though we had never ever touched the laptop… Best Buy claimed it was our problem because it was delivered to the store after we purchased it. they would not replace it. After a lengthy police investigation we had to go to our insurance. All attempts to get Best Buy to assist in the investigation or compensate us in anyway went nowhere. I eventually told them that I would never take mine or any of my family’s business there.

I suggest that you and your friends never take your business they are either.

In fact I have kept track of everything I have bought at their competitors so that I can keep them posted on just how much of my business they have lost.

Anyway… The dilemma was do I walk into that Best Buy and buy the $12 chip or do I hold to my principals

I ended up walking a mile and a half to their competitors

I really enjoyed that walk

Night all, night Sam

– me

Monday night – the pit

Late this morning I had an opportunity to go visit my old friends at Ibm here in Vermont. I’m working with my friend Mitch on a small project… It was so much fun walking through the old buildings. Nothing is the same in some respects… But in some other respects it’s 100% the same. It was so good seeing all my old friends.

I spent a good long time with my friend Mitch in the re-creation of “the pit”… Used to be the place where all the cool kids hang out to code together. It’s moved across the building and Mitch Has lovingly re-created it

The more things change the more they stay the same

Nite all, nite Sam
