Tuesday night- p-tech

I was psyched and honored to be a speaker at the P-tech Conf New York City today. P-tech Percent international program designed to prepare students for jobs and Heike I think I love about it is that it doesn’t just concentrate on college bound students. It’s through their programs they allow students to work necessary to have a greatest get it so shits degree and be trained for the “new collar and “jobs the technology is like artificial intelligence are creating . I got to talk to educators and corporate partners from all over the world. It was super amazing

Here’s my friend talia speaking

Here are some students… Posing somewhat naturally

You’re some of the requisite ugly hotel carpet pics

And here is Rashid , The Bronx school principal to help start p-tech. She was so inspiring

Oooops . Flight is boarding

More tomorrow

Nite all, nite Sam


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