Thursday night – Endicott

Hello from endicott ny.. where diane grew up. Diane drove while i worked in the car ride dow . Were visiting Diane’s brother and sister in law joe and pat.. theyre living in Diane’s parents old house.. theyve do e so e renovations and it really looks nice.

Tonight we had a great dinner with our friends linda , david and andrea.. we got to see andreas engagement ring !

Then back to the house where we had fun looking at some of the weird stuff joe and pat had collected

And some great old family pictures from all sides of their families

Its nice ro be back here again

Nite all, nite sam


Wednesday night (delayed) – Brad’s head

Yesterday we were able to go up and see our good friend Brad. A week or so ago he was at his home playing with his son when he started to feel a little sick… I went inside and told his mom he wasn’t feeling well… And then basically started to lose consciousness is mom called 911 and they rushed him to the hospital. It turns out that it had a cerebral hemorrhage of some sort… And they caught it just in time. Earlier this week they opened up his head to drain the blood And secure the bleeding arteries. Yesterday it was so good to see him. He was his normal goofy 🙂 self. He showed us the staples that were attaching the place where his school is open… It was unreal.

Looks like it’s going to make a full recovery and that’s wonderful because he is a wonderful guy.

It’s hard to use the word “lucky” with something like this but he sure was. If that it happened while I was driving or something…

He gave me the best hug yesterday… And I knew he will be 100% fine

Nite all, nite sam


TUesday night – Robert Hunter

I heard today that Robert Hunter died. He’s the person that wrote most of the Grateful Dead’s songs.. songs I and my kids grew up to like Uncle Johns Band and China Cat Sunflower.. Come to think of it, he wrote most of my favorite songs. He didn’t;’t perform with the band .. though I’ve seen hm play a couple of times.. he was the man behind their music.. 

here’s a picture I saw login around twitter with a very young  Robert Hunter and Jerry Garcia 

Fare thee well man ..

what a wonderful legacy.. 

nite all, nite sam



Monday night ( delayed) – VASE fall meeting

Busy day at both a vermont AI task force And the Vermont Academy of science and engineering ( vase) annual fall meeting. That was in Middleberry. It was an extraordinarily beautiful drive down. Leaves are near peak in many places.

The vase meeting Begin with some recognition advance. I was able toAward the two teachers of the year awards. The first was to Josh Patraquin of Saint Michael’s Academy in Brattleboro.. And the second was to Carley Brown of Harwood Union high school. Giving these awards is one of my favorite jobs as the out reach coordinator for vase

We also had a special recognition last night… One of our own… Mark Nelson became a member of the national Academy of science… Which is very high honor for any scientist.

Our annual speaker was Dr. Michael Gilmour of Harvard… He’s a good friend of our president Grace. He gave a wonderful talk on antibiotics and the rise of anabiotic resistant bacteria. It was fun and scary at the same time

From there we went over to the alumni house for a lovely dinner. Before dinner the Middlebury women’s choir gave us a few acappella numbers. They were so great!

After dinner a few more talks… And recognitions. Here are our three national Academy members

And then two really nice talks from our teacher of the year awardees… Carly and Josh

Before the meal and Grace asked the folks from the kitchen and serving help to come out. As always we have been treated so well and the food was wonderful

It’s an hour drive home from there… And it was pouring rain… I don’t know why but it was quite peaceful.

Now onto another day

Nite all, nite sam
