Friday night – potluck for Sam

Today is the third day that we mark Sam’s passing. This was the day he donated his organs and saved for other peoples lives. It was the best possible thing to do at the worst possible time. You can honor Sam By having a conversation with your loved ones about your feelings around organ donation.

We spent the day working around the house getting ready for Sam’s potluck. We’ve done it every year . It’s always been a pretty fun and upbeat mix of people. Tonight we had a house full of old and new friends. It was really great. Lots of nice people, nice food, and Samstone making

We did the traditional Red Bull toast for Sam

Then we all made Sam stones

James and I even made one out of molten metal

A couple of us set up talking until about 1230…

Now it’s time for bed. We made it through another year.

Sam we miss you buddy

nite all, nite Sam


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