Wednesday night- black hole

What a cool moment today whenThe world was united by a scientific breakthrough. The event horizon telescope showed us the picture of the first visible black hole. It was the work of eight radio telescope spread across the world focused on the same region of the sky… It was also the work of a young scientist Katy Boumam who just graduated from MIT and will be teaching at Caltech.

GO MIT !!!

It’s so amazing to be seen something like that that we’ve only projected by mathematical models. I’m so excited!

the rest of the day was nice too. Just got back from a nice dinner with friends

And just faced time do with gabe and Diane who are out in Portland together

OK that’s all for today. I have to wake up early tomorrow.

Nite all, nite Sam


Tuesday night – 茄子

Down in Cambridge… Had a great experience today while visiting Prof Song Han’s Team at MIT. Song has an amazingly strong group of 10 students working on a broad range of artificial intelligence projects. They spent a good part of this afternoon taking us through all of their projects. It was so fun and so impressive.

When we were taking this picture I remembered that in China instead of saying “cheese” to make people smile in the photo you say 茄子. (qiézi) or as I say it ‘chedzu’ . Which means egg plant… Here we all are egg planting !

Being around such smart and hard-working people is what makes this job so wonderful!

nite all, nite Sam


Monday night – dad’s night

Busy day. Was happy to meet up with the father’s group tonight. We were all sitting around thinking about how we been getting together for about 30 years. That’s pretty impressive

We talked about the usual stuff… Our kids, the town, books, microdosing (I guess it’s a thing now)… We are diets, heat pumps, eclipses, tesla coil’s, movies… Mostly fight club…

Great seeing these guys!

Nite all, nite Sam


Sunday night – sappy

Fun highlight of today was going to see our roommate Elliott Oil serum where he works… Just a quarter-mile down the road. He worked side-by-side with our neighbor Mike to tap over 7000 trees. They have a brand new high-tech reverse osmosis set up. It is really amazing to see

here’s the sap as it comes in from the trees

Hear her the powerful vacuum pumps that pull the sap through the lines

I sat comes in looking light green crystal

The low side of the RO system… Is it deionized water and it looks like blue crystal

Here’s Eliot with his very valuable take so far…

Here are the concentrate tanks… Just sitting right above the boiler

Here’s looking down into the boiling pan

Checking the specific gravity of the syrup that’s pouring out

Super fun to watch Elliot and the teamwork. So cool this is happening just behind our house.

We got the girls out for a few hikes today. Just see in the last of the snow

A hot bath and several technical papers await… Got to go now.

Nite all, nite Sam
