Saturday night – Lucie and Victors

Nice peaceful day today. I managed to get eight hours of sleep… When I woke in the morning most of the snow from last night was already gone. Around noon we started the hour drive up to the Canadian border to see our friends Lucie and Victor. They live in the town of Richford and their backyard is literally the Canadian border. You can walk across it… But you probably be spotted by one of the drones that fly over occasionally.

They still had heavy snow up there… Our mutual friend Becket was in town. She’s a Unitarian minister who lives in Kingston Ontario. We hadn’t seen her in quite a while. It was so great catching up. We had a nice lazy time eating, talking, and (at least for me) napping 🙂

Really great to see old friends.

Nite all, nite Sam


Friday night – meet the new boss

It’s 11 PM and I just got home. Had a late afternoon meeting in Boston which meant traveling through traffic. I don’t generally mind the drive… I’ve listen to a whole lot of music

Today was fun and interesting. What is the second day of our new boss Sriram’s visit to Cambridge. He’s a really nice and super Great guy. It was fun showing him all the stuff we’re working on

Here we are all last night at dinner

Glad to be home!

Night all, nite Sam

– me

Wednesday night (delayed) – lunch

Hi point of yesterday was a really nice lunch with my friend John from Vermont . He also commutes down to Boston for several cool projects. It was great catching up on families, challenges, techie stuff. He’s really an inspiration to me.

It was nice to have a peaceful conversation in the middle of a very hectic day

Nite all, nite Sam
