Wednesday night – saratoga

Greetings from Saratoga . Diane and i are here hanging out with my mom. It will be nice to have a few days just hanging out and relaxing. Today we went to Lido Beach . It had great sand and cool pelicans

We hung out long enough to see an awesome sunset

We then walked back on the beach to a really excellent Greek place for dinner

We ended the day in the hot tub outside

Not a bad start to a vacation

Nite all , nite Sam


Tuesday night – CDI

Dan and I both woke up feeling pretty sick. Just a little bit of SXSW flu. We were slow in getting out of town… But we got an Uber to the Hertz place picked up her car and started driving the strangely familiar Route from Austin to Houston. Are used to drive it quite a bit when I was in high school… And then again in the 90s. Hadn’t done it for quite some time.

Took us about 3 hours to get to Houston. First stop was memorial high school, then memorial drive elementary. Then a stop by our old house .. then back to the middle school. Brought back lots of nostalgia!

We Got to Billy slab around 4 PM… We’d never seen it. It’s truly amazing. He has every tool, every fabricating technique… An expert in all of it working on so many cool projects. I was so proud to see him in his element. I am certain amazing things are going to come from this lab !

(For some reason, my camera won’t let me post pictures… I’ll have to do that tomorrow)

After CDI… We went back to Billy and Shawn’s house. Got to see all the kids except for Kris. It was really fun hanging out. Around 9 o’clock we went out for sushi. Had a truly wonderful meal. Towards the end my cousin Leslie and her husband Bret Showed up. Quite a lot of family around that table!.

Now trying to get to sleep in order to wake up before 5 AM for a flight.

It’s been a great visit. I’ll post the pictures tomorrow

Nite all, nite Sam


<next day>

Got the pictures working so i will add them here

The drive to Houston was made prettier by the wild flowers

Even if there were snakes !

We got to Houston.. and first stop was my old high school

Then my old elementary school

Then our old house !

Then my old middle school

From there across town tonbillys amazing CDI ( center for device innovation) its the lab billy built from the ground up for medical device innovation. It is simply amazing and 100% Billy’s creation !

CDI is in an old nabisco plant

Here are some of the shops

Billy is duly proud of the plave

Lots of models of body parts everywhere

Billy gave us a demo of a new invention f

Lots of spare parts


a wall of inventions

Learning to use the laser spot welderholding hands in IR.

Billy teaches us VR surgery

What an amazing place

Turn off thisgFrom there we headed back to Billy’s to see Shaun and the kids

We went out to a huge sushi dinner and were joined by our cousins Leslie and Brett

Ok. There are the pics from yesterday

Monday night – SW

Before I go any further, I need to point out that the sxsw logo

Actually point southwest (SW) not south by southwest (SXSW)

What’s up with that. ?!?

We spent another day wandering around this huge event looking for things to see

I went to a great talk on creativity in the age of invention by nick law. Great speaker . Then hung out some more with our friend Colin

Diane and I met my high school friend.. Phil for lunch. We hadn’t seen each other for about 40 years.. he was still the same guy i remembered! It was so fun catching up !

Diane and i then stopped by the Driscoll hotel to see the Donald Trump tweet library. Funnyish but very scary

Near dinner, Diane and i walked west to meet our old friend Dave

we stopped in a bar called holy Roller to go to a reunion party for some friends from a conference I went to 2 years ago in Frankfort. Didn’t expect to see anyone I knew .. but turns out knew many folks there .. most of them from Germany

On the way home ,Diane andbi stopped for really good Thai food

We got back to the hotel around 10. Dave called again and Invited me to a nearby bar with electronic music.. Colin met up with us there . It was good to get to talk to Dave a little more

Now tome for sleep. More Tomorrow!

Nite all, nite Sam


Sunday night- more south by

Another busy day at SXSW. My brother Billy had stayed with us last night on a rollaway cot… So it was fun all waking up together. First order of business was to go to brunch at my cousins Mark and Kathy’s. Billy was a surprise to them. We walked over tomorrow and Kathy’s really beautiful apartment downtown and their work daughter Danielle, sister Gail and brother Steve. It was so great catching up with them. We had a wonderful brunch and just caught up. It’s been a long time since we were all together

There was work being done on the building and we got to watch the workers go by

We all got play with a Tesla coil… It had a momentary overheating problem but seems to have recovered

It was so great seeing everyone!

Next up For me was a really fun and interesting interview With Simon, an industry analyst. It was really great talking to him.

Also Enjoyed hanging out with my IBM colleague Chris and Ieee colleague Jeff

Right after that my good friend Laurie came over and hung out with us for an hour. She retired from IBM sold much stiffer stuff and bought a huge sailboat. She’s living on that most of the time but was back in Austin for a wedding

Next stop was it Uber ride out to a brewery to see a movie about efforts to preserve Nichola Tesla’s Wardencliff laboratory on Long Island. One of the high points was riding with Greg… A great Uber driver with a huge interest in science. We talked Tesla coils and Rockets and all sorts of stuff. He was great

The Tesla gathering was really interesting. It was a good crowd there in the movie told the story of teslas life try amps and struggles as he tried to build a power transmitting station in Wardencliff Long Island. The small group of local people have tried to preserve what was left of the laboratory. They used an amazing amount of social media and crowdsourcing techniques to raise more than $7 million. It was quite a story

It was nice to have a tesla coil with me to show people what we were talking about. That was a big hit

Now back home and it’s not even 11 PM. Can’t wait to lie down

More tomorrow

Nite all, nite Sam
