Tuesday night – town Meeting day

Like most good Vermonters, I took this morning off to attend to democracy. Vermont still practice it the old-fashioned way. The first Tuesday in March All schools are closed… Some businesses to and everyone takes off work. And he goes and stands in a gym, library or church or Grange Hall to take care of their towns business for the year. I’ve been going to our town meeting every year I was in town since 1981. Many of the same folks are in there. In fact most of the heads are gray these days… Not too many young people in there. I remember the days that these meetings were full of antiwar and anti-nuclear protest… Today was actually pretty tame. Our good friend Clint Buxton presided… Just like his father used to. We all got a good lesson in Roberts rules and for nearly 3 hours we discussed the town’s business. Maintenance budgets, salaries, repairs, police reports… Nothing very exciting… Which made the whole thing very exciting.

It’s one of the few days a year that I see all of my neighbors… And that feels good

We also got to vote… Nothing too big on the ballot today… Had to guess on a few but for the most part all people I knew and liked

Here’s what it looks like from the back of the room

Meeting was dedicated to our friend Mike Hustus died last year… It was a great guy. It used to be a state policeman… Also very senior in the Vermont guard.

Marshal was They are to keep us on track with Roberts rules… Jarrod was there to photograph everything

The rest of the day was insanely busy… I’ve got a lot of prep for next week.… I was really happy when 6 o’clock rolled around and Yoga started. DIane did a wonderful chakra class… Then we all came in to eat

Ok .. enough for today

Nite all, nite Sam


Monday night – pandiculation

Not much happened today outside of work so I’ll just relate a wonderful word i learned from Diane . It’s pandiculation. It means the kind

pandiculation (countable and uncountable, plural pandiculations) A stretching and stiffening of the trunk and extremities, as when fatigued and drowsy or on waking, often accompanied by yawning.

It’s a great yoga word .. even our dogs do it when they wake ..

And I’m doing it now .. so time for bed !

Nite all, nite Sam


Sunday night – lazy day

Not much to report today… Dan and I did some work around the house this morning I worked on my talk for SXSW… And mid day we met John and Lauren are some beautiful Cross country skiing.

This evening I worked on the case for my traveling tesla coil…

That just about sums up the day. I guess I’m happy not to have more to report

Nite all, nite Sam


Saturday night – Tim and Priscilla

Really peaceful day today. Tried not to work. It’s supposedly an international day of getting off of electronic devices. I kind of failed at that. I spent a couple hours on the phone this morning trying to straighten out some upcoming family travel. Fun and frustrating at the same time.… Try not to think about work work… Pretty much succeeded at that. What for a nice run with Diane down to the bridge. It felt like spring. We could even hear the birds. Looks like winter is back tonight… It’s snowing again. Honestly I love it when we have solid snow cover like this for so many months.

This afternoon we drove down with the dogs to see Tim and Purcella. Are some of our oldest friends here in Vermont. It’s a 45 minute drive down to their place in Starksboro… We all enjoyed the new scenery

We took a long slow walk in the woods… The dogs really enjoyed getting to see and smell different stuff. Tim and I were able to compare our new glasses… Look at that… Separated at birth?

It’s fun what you see in the snow… Tracks… And even the occasional 🙂

Diane and I are watching weird westerns on TV… Enjoying it and kind of a weird I-don’t-like-westerns-but-I-like-watching-movies-with-Diane kind of way

OK… Back to the movie.

Night all. night Sam

– me