Monday night – light up vodka bottle

Where else but Massachusetts? I had to stop at in New Hampshire rest stop because of a meeting… So I went into the liquor store as I was having my meeting to look around. I found a $14 bottle of vodka that had a cell phone programmable light up strip on it. How cool is that…?

We live in a wonderfully inventive world that week?

Night all, night Sam


Sunday night – All work and no play

Not much to report today… It was a windy warm and rainy day here… Which meant it was a good day to stay inside and work… And that’s just what I did. I did some work around the house until about 11 and then worked on a job work until now. That’s about a 10 hour workday on a Sunday… I kind of promised myself I would stop doing that. But I have a deadline. And it something fun… So I guess I can’t complain too much.

I’m going to have to find some extra source of I’ve played this week… Not sure that’s in the cards either though…

Heading to bed

Night all, night sam

– me

Saturday night -lulled

Very slow and peaceful day. Dan and I both wanted to just take it easy. Took the dogs out for a walk… Then Matt channel or for a beautiful ski in some pretty private trails behind where they live. It was so beautiful and conditions were great. It was nice to be outside get some exercise.

We went back to John Lawrence and had a really nice lunch… But combination of the workout and lunch and then John’s cello plane… He’s new to the instrument but pretty good… Put me into a food coma pretty quickly. I woke up about 20 minutes later

Just spent about 2 1/2 hours trying to catch up on email. Strangely satisfying to work through your inbox. Funny how some little of it really matters.

Heading to bed.

Night all, nite sam

– me

Friday night – concert

Back home in Vermont… Stopped in Montpelier for the fifth meeting ever state a high Council. I’m really going to love those meetings. Got home at 5 o’clock define the house full of nice people. We’re having a potluck before our friend Leticia’s concert tonight.

Leticia plays in the Stelaria Trio. She plays viola, and there’s a cello and piano. All of them are such great musicians. Tonight they played a Haydon piece a modern piece by a woman named Jennifer Higgins which I loved… And a Brahms piece. All were really good.

The teachers daughter was wearing a dress that looked just like my socks

OK… I’ve been missing my bed. Time to jump in it.

Night all, night Sam
