Thursday night – filming

Busy day here at MIT… Full of many different things. One very interesting element of today is that a film crew from Berlin was here to interview me for a deal were working on. It was very interesting experience. I got to talk about something that I’m truly passionate about for about two hours as I walked around MIT. It was a little strange being followed by cameras and talking… But it brought back memories of being on tv

Tonight we had a closing meeting and farewell dinner to my colleagues visiting here from Karlsruhe. It’s been a great week having them here. We went to an interesting restaurant called Spyce. That is 100% robotic. The food is combined, chopped, cooked and distributed by industrial robots. It was good and cheap.

Time for sleep now. Got a busy day tomorrow as well.

Night all, nights Sam


Wednesday night – stand up surprise party

Crazy busy day here in Cambridge. Mostly fun and exciting stuff. High point of the day was around 1 o’clock my good friend Mark came in and said we’re having a “stand up” meeting and asked me to come. Standup’s are a part of the agile development method so it sounded normal enough. I went to the meeting and all of a sudden people started singing. It was a birthday party for me. My friend Subhro had found a really nice cheesecake. It was so great having everyone together they gave me a nice card and I had a taste of the most wonderful cheesecake… It’s the first really sweet stuff I’ve had since starting this keto diet. So it taste all the better. I really appreciated everyone’s Doing this for my birthday.

Workday ended with a nice Japanese dinner with my friends from Karlsruhe and one of our new staff members Akash and his wife Erica.

And back to my hotel for a couple more hours of work. I finally got enough done to switch gears and play a little bit. I’ve been working on creating a mediator face for my tesla coil so I can use the video theremin. Last night I was able to put the Tesla coil in a case

Tonight I made a Fiber optic midi interface To drive the coil.

My hotel room looks like my shop right now. I’m sure the owners would like to see it like this 🙂 to drive the coil.

My hotel room looks like my shop right now. I’m sure the owners would like to see it like this 🙂

Oh well… I can always clean up tomorrow

Nite all, , nite Sam


Tuesday night – in Cambridge

Super busy day here in Cambridge. I had the pleasure of hosting my friends from Karlsruhe again today. Mid day I took them on a tour of MIT which reminds me how much I love the place. I was able to show them places that were important to me both now and when I was here 40 years ago. I showed them the tunnels we used to sneak around and the nuclear locker where are used to keep my research and the strobe lab from doc edgerton. We even made a pilgrimage to my old dorm which is now a park

I then had a meeting in the green building… The tallest building on campus with my friend Chris. Here’s the view from his window. It’s a wonder he gets anything done

Midday Dianne shared some pictures of me of the girls were just gotten their new late winter haircuts

They’re looking and smelling pretty

Finished up this evening with a nice outing with the team to see a very slow and meditative Japanese movie called shoplifters. I really enjoyed it. It was a bit sad.

So so am I

Night all nite dam

– me

Monday night – live well

Back in Cambridge… Very productive day. Got back to my hotel room and found a collection of room decorations that probably no one ever looks at. One caught Mayeye… It’s a set of stacking boxes that say live well, Laugh often and love much. I’m not sure anyone has ever opened any of these… But I did. I figured the live well was a great place for a sandstone.

Sam lived well… And we’re doing our best to live well. So why not.

I hope some other hotel guest gets curious someday and finds this

Nite all, nite Sam
