Wednesday night – open mic

Busy day today… Work meetings just trying to get the year kicked off.

Around 430 I had to do a favor for my neighbors. I had to go pick up 5 year old Francesca at her ballet school In Richmond… Her dad was having ACL surgery and his mom was there in the hospital with him.Walking into that ballet place was amazing. I’ve never been around that many little girls in pink.

It was funny trying to figure out which one was Francesca… Actually she Found me… We had a lot of fun at our house. We colored… Made things out of pipe cleaners… And shocked our visitors for the Van de Graaff generator

Around seven Nate and Sid and I went to Stone corral for open mic night. The only person that I knew there was Avery and Lena who were there to see us… And our friend Gary

Nate played a couple of songs and so did Sid

That was it for today… More tomorrow!

Nite all, nite Sam


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