Monday night -high performance computing vs. COVID 19

Over the past several weeks I’ve been inspired to see how many bottoms up efforts have sprung up to help us all get through the Covid19 . Pandemic . My friends Jake, Steve and Kyle are working at places like Generator and Beta to make face masks for health workers at FAHC . Others are doing outreach to folks in the community.. everybody has to use the tools they have .

Our team at ibm has found a way to contribute. Yesterday and today the government () announced a collaboration

Around high Performance computing aligned in the fight I’m proud that my company was able to help bring together a consortium of all of these playersagainst COVID-19. These computers will be used to understand how covid works and get in its way

I’m proud that our company was able to help lead the creation of this broad consortium


  • IBM
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Google Cloud
  • Microsoft
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise


  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories

  • Argonne National Laboratory
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Sandia National Laboratories

Federal Agencies 

  • National Science Foundation
  • NASA

The idea is to make available some of the worlds largest and fastest computers to help understand and supress the COVID-19 virus. (This is beyond politics folks… I know what you’re thinking)

As part of this I’m working on a project involving cryo-EM microscopy… It’s too early to talk about it… But if we get some results I’ll let you know.… At least it feels good to be trying to do something !

And besides… If you read the whole press release… I got to get a bunch of people in the government to say our cute Satori’s name :-)

Nite all, nite Sam


Sunday night – virtual reunion

Super crazy day… Super crazy weekend. All work related… Nothing I can write about here but it all ended up OK

Just got off a web conference with some members of my family… My mom, my sisters family and my brother’s family… Diane and I also dropped it. I think this is something a lot of people are doing…

The theme tonight seem to be weird costumes… We didn’t plan it that way but that’s just how it ended up

I think this is something we do every week for a while… It was nice to see everybody. Early in the day Diane and I took great hike up wilderness ski trail at Bolton. It was actually pretty intense at the top… Kind of a scramble but totally beautiful up there. Still plenty of snow.

Stay safe everybody

Nite all, nite Sam


Saturday night – True social distance

I gotta admit, This Cito lock down we’re in is starting to drive me crazy.… I really start to miss the outdoors. Luckily we have lots of nothing around us.… Diane Satori and I took the opportunity today to walk to the top of Bolton. Chau was happy to sit this one out and sleep. their were actually a couple of other people who were skinning up on skis or snowboarding up… The snowpack is still about 6 feet.… But we had no trouble keeping a respectable distance between us. I just Wanted to get up on the fire tower and look around and not see anything related to humans. That felt safe… In spite of being on top of a rickety tower 50 feet in the air

Thursday night – do something!

It Was an interesting day today. I have started getting lots of emails from friends who are looking for something they could do to help around the virus. I have that same feeling. I’ve been working on getting computer resources together to help people who are researching COVID-19…

Computer that we helped build is already being used in that way

I’m also working on a project closer to home…

I can talk about that a little bit later this week… But it’s pretty exciting. The same time I’ve gotten several lists of open source innovation. People are trying to make ventilators, breathing masks, facemasks… Anything to help with the short fall of medical equipment. It’s a great spirit… I think the key Challenge will be coordination. I’m looking into some of these things and will report back what I find

I did a little less practical making today. I worked on my “fever camp”… It’s an infrared camera that can tell if somebody has a fever. Here’s me 🙂 minute… With no fever (I think)

This is what I look like an infrared

Must sleep

Nite all, nite sam
