Sunday night – Forks for the win

It’s funny what keeps us occupied during our confinement.… I noticed today that for the very first time in my recorded memory we actually had more forks in the dishwasher and spoons… Imagine that…

I mean imagine that I would even notice such a thing

But it’s a big deal here in the household… We’ve even been singing about it

It’s a wondrous world !

The rest of the day was less remarkable but still fun. Diane and I found a void in the electronica doggie fence. She had repaired it once after friends truck pulled up and cut the wire .but it was bad weather and didn’t get a chance to solder it. Luckily she remembered where it was we were able to dig it up and I was able to solder it . It was surprisingly fun trying to trace the wire and find the cut under a foot of dirt

Later in the day We spent some time teaching Hunter To weld.… I had just enough shielding gas for about half an hour of playing around. He’s a natural… Will get some more gas and do some more. I’m not sure any welding stores are open right now

OK… I’m being called downstairs for a movie. That’s one of our apocalyptic guilty pleasures.

More tomorrow

Nite all, nite Sam


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