Today is been quite an adventure. This morning . Like most mornings I walked the dogs to the river
I’ll seem to find until walking home Citori… Are younger (12-year-old) dog started slowing down and then laid down in the field. She’s never done anything like that. I had to call diane to come and get chai (almost 17-year-old) and I had to carry Satori back to the parking lot while diane got the car. Around 11, diane took Satori into the vet. Her vitals were all over the place. High white count, swollenOrgans… It didn’t look good. Diane took her to Hinesburg for an ultrasound… We were grateful to learn that it was “only” and inflamed gallbladder.… It’s serious… But with some rest and antibiotics she should be OK.…
It’s hard to see her so sad she’s usually such a great loving pup… I’m sleeping in the air conditioning with both dogs tonight just to make sure they’re both OK
We love our doggies!
Nite all, nite sam